Sunday, 16 February 2020


With Saving Accumulator, HSBC Saving Insurance has various benefits to help your solve any trouble of your finance in the future. In other words, it gives the protection for the insured in the event of death and permanent disability.

The first benefit of HSBC Saving Insurance is that the insured can be receive the discount of 2.5% of your sum insured. This is applied to the 6th month from the end of the third policy year. Moreover. you can rise up your saving money with the intersest of over 5% by depositing the guaranteed coupon payouts then your return is higher.

Flexible premium is the second benefit of this saving insurance that means there are 2 types of premium payment which are depending on the insured’s needs. They are a lump sum premium payment and monthly premium payment.

The other hightlight features is that you can enhance your policy flexibly by increasing the benefit every year with the etrax declared reverionary bonus to the sum assured. Therefore, your finance in the future can be protected against unpredicted risks.


The policy term of Saving Accumulator is 10 years with 2 types of payment that I told above. You must pay the premium at least 1 year and maxium of 5 years.

As you known, HSBC Saving Insurance mainly cover your death and terminal illness. You can receive the sum of 101% of the total basic premium and other bonuses on the first 5 policy years. From the 6th policy year, the sum insured will be increased. The sum assured is at least 10 000S$ and maximum up to a half of million Singapore dollars

This policy term is applied to the age of 1 to 65 years old and the maximum expiry age is 75.

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