Tuesday, 25 February 2020

3Ds of Car Insurance Companies

Save yourself from a whole out of trouble by knowing the 3Ds of car insurance companies. The 3Ds are Delay, Deny and Defend. These have dramatically increased the profits of insurance companies. They deny more claims to pay less. Beware of these tactics!

Some agents have divulged that part of their training is to pay the lowest amount possible to customers in any way they can. Agents have been trained to sweet-talk their customers to accept minimum on-the-spot payments they give in case of a fender bender. On-the-spot payment could be as low as $50. They are trained to convince their customers that they are saving them from a very long and pointless trouble. Well, I would like to reiterate that the main point of getting insurance is to protect you in times of accidents so no trouble should even be there in the first place. Imagine that when you give up your right to make your claims, you’re already giving them a good amount of fortune to keep. Even if insurance companies are just saving $1,000 from each of their customers through this 3D tactics, it would already give them a big amount if you sum it all up.

“Delay” tactic starts to happen when car insurance companies tell you that reviewing your complaints take 30 days. They know that the longer they wait, the lesser they will pay because less resolve will be given to the complainant after a long time of waiting. This delaying tactic will give your body pains enough time to heal. Then, there comes “Denial” which can be outright or also, what we call “lowball offers”. This tactic often succeeds especially when the complainant is not litigious enough to hire good lawyers to fight big-time companies. Their denials will always work given that their delaying tactics was executed properly.

Their final step is the last D which is “Defend”. Some insurance companies would call your complain as a MIST which means ‘Minor Impact Soft Tissue’. This involves claims with minor damages or injuries, and insurance companies hire independent doctors to medically claim that the victim is indeed lying and fraudulent. Independent doctors are commissioned by companies to testify for them. With the help of their Delaying tactics, complainant’s body injuries should subside with time, so jury would most likely believe when doctors label your body complaints as malingering and for secondary gain.

If you think you are facing this 3Ds now, consider hiring a good and well-experienced attorney to represent you on your claim. Mostly, insurance companies are already aware of specific attorney’s capabilities so this could be a tricky part. It is important to get the best and most number of evidence you can possibly get. It is highly recommended that you take pictures of your damaged car and body from every angle. Letting them take the picture might pull you a trick surprisingly since they can take pictures from angles which could make the damage look very minimal. Also, get laboratory tests and medical certificate as soon as after the accident had occurred. If taking care of this case is also affecting your work, make sure that it is properly recorded by your company so you could ask for compensation for this trouble, too.

These legal battles will sometimes take years to resolve. It is up to you on how you’re gonna fight for your right. You can always take the easy way out and walk away; or take the hard and fight to succeed. Just always remember, it’s never been wrong to fight for your right. Have a good day!

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