In order to obtain affordable Minnesota car insurance, it is very important to shop around. Only by comparing quotes from different places and providers drivers can be sure that they are getting cheap auto insurance policy. To jump start your Minnesota auto insurance quote comparison, simply enter you zip code and you will be presented with the list of the most low cost auto insurance providers in the state of MN.
Below you can find some basic information about Minnesota vehicle insurance, which is important for all drivers in MN to know.
Minnesota Car Insurance Requirements
The minimum requirements for a Minnesota car insurance include liability coverage, uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage and personal injury protection (PIP) plan. For liability insurance, the minimum coverage amount for bodily injury should be at least $30,000 for every injured person or a total of $60,000 for the accident. For property damage liability, the minimum coverage amount should be at least $10,000. For uninsured or underinsured motorist insurance, the required coverage is only for bodily injury and the minimum required amount is $25,000 for every injured person or a total of $50,000 for the accident. The basic Minnesota car insurance requirement is also known as the 30/60/10 coverage with 25/50 UM limit. The state also requires that every motorist has a personal injury protection plan with a coverage amount of at least $40,000.
In Minnesota the No Fault system is followed with regards to claims arising from vehicular accidents or collisions. Under this particular system, the insurance provider will pay the claims without regards to finding who really caused the accident. However, the claims can only be paid up to a certain amount. In a No Fault system the car insurance policyholder loses some of his or her rights to sue.
The state requires every car owner to acquire uninsured or underinsured motorist for bodily injury coverage. The reason for this is to protect car owners and motorists from financial difficulties in case they got involved in an accident caused by a driver who either does not have any car insurance or enough coverage. Another coverage required by the state is the personal injury protection (PIP) plan. The PIP plan will help pay for the necessary medical treatment needed by car owner and passengers in the event they sustained bodily injuries in a vehicular accident or collision.
Some Tips on How to Save On Your Minnesota Car Insurance
1. Shop and compare car insurance rates with as many car insurance providers as you can. The more car insurance companies you ask the better is your chances of getting lowest car insurance rate. You could easily accomplish this task by doing online searches and inquiries.
2. You could consider increasing your share of deductibles in your car insurance policy. An increase in deductible will result in a corresponding decrease in your car insurance cost.3. You can review your car insurance policy and see if there is any coverage that you do not need that you can drop from the policy. For example, old cars have normally low market value which means that it is probably cheaper for you to just drop the collision coverage.
Driving While Intoxicated (DUI / DWI) Laws in the State of Minnesota
Drivers in the state of Minnesota are considered drunk based on their age, vehicle and blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level.
1. A driver who has a BAC levels of .08 percent or greater.
2. A driver who is under the age of 21 and has a BAC level of .02 percent or greater.
3. Driver of a commercial vehicle and has a BAC level of .04 percent or greater.
Penalties for First Time DUI / DWI Offenders in Minnesota
1. A first time offender faces the possibility of jail time that can last up to 90 days.
2. A first time offender will have to pay fine of up to $1,000 but this does not include other curt related expenses that the offender may also have to pay.
3. The driver’s license suspension period of a first time offender will depend on the following factors.
The standard suspension period can last up to 90 days.
If the offender’s BAC level is at .2 percent or greater the suspension can last up to 180 days.
If the offender has a passenger who is below 16 years old at that time, the suspension period can last up to 180 days.
If the first time offender refuses to submit to a BAC level chemical test, the suspension period will become mandatory and will last for a year.
4. A first time offender will only need to serve 15 days of the suspension period and no aggravating circumstances to qualify for a limited license.
5. The court may also order the installation of an ignition interlock device on all the vehicles that the first time offender owns or will drive.
6. The first time offender will be ordered to pay the following fees.
License reinstatement fee for $250
License reinstatement surcharge fee for $430
Driver license application fee for $24
Penalties for Second Time DUI / DWI Offenders in Minnesota
1. A second time offender faces the possibility of spending time of up to 1 year in jail.
2. For a second offense, the offender may have to pay a fine that reach up to $3,000.
3. The driver’s license suspension period of a second time offender will depend on the following factors.
The standard driver’s license suspension period for the second offense is 180 days.
But if the offender’s BAC level is .20 percent or greater, the suspension period will be 360 days.
If the second time offender has a passenger who is below the age of 16 at that time the suspension period is also 360 days.
4. The second time offender will have to serve at least 90 days of the suspension period before he or she can apply for a driving license limited only to work or school.
5. In order to drive again with a limited license, the court may order the second time offender to buy and install at his or her own expense ignition interlock devices on all the vehicles the offender owns or intends to drive.
6. The second time offender will be ordered to pay the following fees.
License reinstatement fee for $250
License reinstatement surcharge for $430
Driver license application fee for $24
7. The license plates of the second time offender will be impounded for a period of 1 year.
8. The second time offender will be given a license plate that is specially coded to indicate that the car owner or driver is a second time DUI offender in the state of Minnesota.
The Average Car Insurance Rate in Minnesota versus the National Average
In Minnesota, the average car insurance premium is around $1,190 which is lower than the national average of around $1,442. However, in some major cities in Minnesota the average car insurance is premium is higher than the national or state average.
Top Ten Vehicles Stolen in the State of Minnesota
Owners of the following vehicles can expect to pay higher car insurance premiums because of the higher risks of theft. Owners and drivers should take appropriate precautions whenever driving or parking their vehicles. Installing car alarms and other security devices can help reduce the risks of theft and possibly lower your car insurance premium.
Honda Accord 1994 Model
Honda Civic 1995 Model
Acura Integra 1995 Model
Toyota Camry 1991 Model
Chevrolet Pickup Full Size 1999 Model
Dodge Caravan 1998 Model
Ford Taurus 1999 Model
Oldsmobile Cutlass / Supreme / Ciera 1995 Model
Ford Explorer 1994 Model
Pontiac Grand Prix 1998 Model
Below you can find some basic information about Minnesota vehicle insurance, which is important for all drivers in MN to know.
Minnesota Car Insurance Requirements
The minimum requirements for a Minnesota car insurance include liability coverage, uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage and personal injury protection (PIP) plan. For liability insurance, the minimum coverage amount for bodily injury should be at least $30,000 for every injured person or a total of $60,000 for the accident. For property damage liability, the minimum coverage amount should be at least $10,000. For uninsured or underinsured motorist insurance, the required coverage is only for bodily injury and the minimum required amount is $25,000 for every injured person or a total of $50,000 for the accident. The basic Minnesota car insurance requirement is also known as the 30/60/10 coverage with 25/50 UM limit. The state also requires that every motorist has a personal injury protection plan with a coverage amount of at least $40,000.
In Minnesota the No Fault system is followed with regards to claims arising from vehicular accidents or collisions. Under this particular system, the insurance provider will pay the claims without regards to finding who really caused the accident. However, the claims can only be paid up to a certain amount. In a No Fault system the car insurance policyholder loses some of his or her rights to sue.
The state requires every car owner to acquire uninsured or underinsured motorist for bodily injury coverage. The reason for this is to protect car owners and motorists from financial difficulties in case they got involved in an accident caused by a driver who either does not have any car insurance or enough coverage. Another coverage required by the state is the personal injury protection (PIP) plan. The PIP plan will help pay for the necessary medical treatment needed by car owner and passengers in the event they sustained bodily injuries in a vehicular accident or collision.
Some Tips on How to Save On Your Minnesota Car Insurance
1. Shop and compare car insurance rates with as many car insurance providers as you can. The more car insurance companies you ask the better is your chances of getting lowest car insurance rate. You could easily accomplish this task by doing online searches and inquiries.
2. You could consider increasing your share of deductibles in your car insurance policy. An increase in deductible will result in a corresponding decrease in your car insurance cost.3. You can review your car insurance policy and see if there is any coverage that you do not need that you can drop from the policy. For example, old cars have normally low market value which means that it is probably cheaper for you to just drop the collision coverage.
Driving While Intoxicated (DUI / DWI) Laws in the State of Minnesota
Drivers in the state of Minnesota are considered drunk based on their age, vehicle and blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level.
1. A driver who has a BAC levels of .08 percent or greater.
2. A driver who is under the age of 21 and has a BAC level of .02 percent or greater.
3. Driver of a commercial vehicle and has a BAC level of .04 percent or greater.
Penalties for First Time DUI / DWI Offenders in Minnesota
1. A first time offender faces the possibility of jail time that can last up to 90 days.
2. A first time offender will have to pay fine of up to $1,000 but this does not include other curt related expenses that the offender may also have to pay.
3. The driver’s license suspension period of a first time offender will depend on the following factors.
The standard suspension period can last up to 90 days.
If the offender’s BAC level is at .2 percent or greater the suspension can last up to 180 days.
If the offender has a passenger who is below 16 years old at that time, the suspension period can last up to 180 days.
If the first time offender refuses to submit to a BAC level chemical test, the suspension period will become mandatory and will last for a year.
4. A first time offender will only need to serve 15 days of the suspension period and no aggravating circumstances to qualify for a limited license.
5. The court may also order the installation of an ignition interlock device on all the vehicles that the first time offender owns or will drive.
6. The first time offender will be ordered to pay the following fees.
License reinstatement fee for $250
License reinstatement surcharge fee for $430
Driver license application fee for $24
Penalties for Second Time DUI / DWI Offenders in Minnesota
1. A second time offender faces the possibility of spending time of up to 1 year in jail.
2. For a second offense, the offender may have to pay a fine that reach up to $3,000.
3. The driver’s license suspension period of a second time offender will depend on the following factors.
The standard driver’s license suspension period for the second offense is 180 days.
But if the offender’s BAC level is .20 percent or greater, the suspension period will be 360 days.
If the second time offender has a passenger who is below the age of 16 at that time the suspension period is also 360 days.
4. The second time offender will have to serve at least 90 days of the suspension period before he or she can apply for a driving license limited only to work or school.
5. In order to drive again with a limited license, the court may order the second time offender to buy and install at his or her own expense ignition interlock devices on all the vehicles the offender owns or intends to drive.
6. The second time offender will be ordered to pay the following fees.
License reinstatement fee for $250
License reinstatement surcharge for $430
Driver license application fee for $24
7. The license plates of the second time offender will be impounded for a period of 1 year.
8. The second time offender will be given a license plate that is specially coded to indicate that the car owner or driver is a second time DUI offender in the state of Minnesota.
The Average Car Insurance Rate in Minnesota versus the National Average
In Minnesota, the average car insurance premium is around $1,190 which is lower than the national average of around $1,442. However, in some major cities in Minnesota the average car insurance is premium is higher than the national or state average.
Top Ten Vehicles Stolen in the State of Minnesota
Owners of the following vehicles can expect to pay higher car insurance premiums because of the higher risks of theft. Owners and drivers should take appropriate precautions whenever driving or parking their vehicles. Installing car alarms and other security devices can help reduce the risks of theft and possibly lower your car insurance premium.
Honda Accord 1994 Model
Honda Civic 1995 Model
Acura Integra 1995 Model
Toyota Camry 1991 Model
Chevrolet Pickup Full Size 1999 Model
Dodge Caravan 1998 Model
Ford Taurus 1999 Model
Oldsmobile Cutlass / Supreme / Ciera 1995 Model
Ford Explorer 1994 Model
Pontiac Grand Prix 1998 Model
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