Monday, 13 January 2020

Utah Car Insurance

If you want to find Utah car insurance companies that won’t give you killer premiums then you will need to learn a few things about Utah first, especially the ones which concern car insurance companies the most. These typically include what sort of car insurance requirements the state has, the kind of DUI laws they have, how bad car theft is in most of Utah’s major cities, and what sort of premiums people can expect to get from car insurance companies. Learning about these important issues is very important in helping you find insurance rates which are relatively cheap.

Now, the first thing that you need to know about Utah car insurance is that it is regulated by the the state of Utah. What this basically means for the ordinary motorist, such as yourself, is that you will be required to carry proof that you have a car insurance policy every time you drive your car. This “proof” will come in the form of a simple card, which you are to present to a law enforcement officer whenever they ask for it.

If a person is unable to carry the required amount of coverage or if he cannot present proof of financial responsibility then that person will face a class B misdemeanor. What this basically means is that the person will be asked to pay a $400 fine, provided this is a first time offense. In subsequent cases, penalties include the suspension of vehicle registration, license suspension and in some cases, even imprisonment.

But what is the minimum car insurance requirement in Utah? Well, here’s the answer:

$25,000 per person injury coverage
$60,000 per accident injury coverage
$15,000 for property damage coverage per accident
You will need to meet the minimum requirements for each of these, otherwise you will not be allowed to drive.  Although these amounts are rather expensive at first glance, they really aren’t that costly. The average car insurance rate in Utah is around $1,450, and compared to the national average, which is around $1,550, that amount is slightly cheaper by a hundred dollars or so.

Also, you should remember that Utah is a no fault state, which basically means that in a given accident your insurance company will pay for your faults up to a particular limit, regardless of who is at fault. It also means that you as well as the other parties have no right to sue each other, regardless of the circumstances or who is most at fault in the accident.Shopping for Cheap Car Insurance in UT

Now, it’s important to remember that Utah car insurance companies set their own rates. As this is the case, you will need to shop around as much as you can. Online, you can easily do this by gathering a large number of quotes, many of which can help you figure out what car insurance companies have to offer to you.

All of the largest car insurance companies have branches in Utah, not to mention smaller companies that only operate on the local level. Among the most famous car insurance companies that you can expect in Utah include:

All State
Liberty Mutual
The Importance of DUI/DWI for Utah Car Insurance Providers

As far as DUI/DWI go, car insurance companies are always keen on the numbers. Statistically speaking, people who have DUI’s on their records are also more likely to cause traffic accidents and criminal felonies, both of which are very bad for car insurance companies. And since they don’t really like to think of themselves as a cleanup crew for drunk drivers, car insurance companies tend to give people with DUI’s a higher premium than what they normally give to other clients.

And of course, higher car insurance premiums are not your only worries if you are charged with a DUI/DWI . In Utah, first time offenders can face the following penalties for their infractions:

A Minimum of 48 Hours Worth of Jail Time or Community Service (Work Service Program)
Home Confinement
A Minimum of $700 in Fines
License Suspension
Alcohol and Drug Screening
Alcohol and Drug Assessment
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment
Even if a person doesn’t report his or her DUI/DWI record to his or her car insurance company, they’re still going to hear about it eventually, because it’s common practice for most of them to work closely with government authorities. And once they do, they’re going to start charging more for premiums.

As far as DUI’s/DWI’s go, there’s no going around the issue. There’s no substitute to being a careful driver, and being one is the best way in keeping your premiums down.

Car Theft And How It Affects Utah Car Insurance Companies

The next thing that you should learn about is the issue of car theft. Around a million cars are stolen every year in the US. And although the exact numbers are hard to pin down, one’s thing’s for certain, car insurance companies are worried about it.

When car theft rises in a particular town, so does the risk of operating a car insurance company. As this is the case, car insurance agents are always trying to make sure that the clients that they are working with are not at risk of getting their cars stolen. In 2010, the list of cars which are most likely to get stolen include:

2001 Dodge Ram 1500
1995 Saturn L-Series
1991 Toyota Camry
1995 Acura Integra
1998 Honda Civic
1995 Ford F-150
1996 Honda Accord
1999 Ford F-250
1999 Chevrolet C/K 1500
1999 Ford Explorer
But let’s say that you’ve seen your car on the list above, what do you do then? Well, you shouldn’t panic. An alarm or a lock will lower your car’s risk of getting stolen, and as far as car insurance companies are concerned, that makes a lot of difference. So if you are concerned about your premiums being affected by Utah’s car theft problems, be sure to look for a car insurance provider that is willing to offer better rates for people who are willing install alarms on their vehicles.

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