Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Making Dreams Come True with a Home Mortgage

What a milestone achievement when you finally get a home you can call your own? A home mortgage makes dreams of owning a home a reality, dreams that would otherwise not be established and made true, at least not early in life when one is just getting started with a career. In actual sense, your first home mortgage will be filled with so many emotions. A home mortgage, for those who might not have the faintest idea, is a loan that will allow you to purchase a home even if you don’t have all the money at that particular moment of time.

You get to borrow money from a home mortgage lender and pledge to repay it back in monthly installments for a period of up to 30 years, upon which the period will be governed by certain terms and conditions agreeable to both parties. The mortgage lender benefits from this entire transaction through the interest rates that they charge you. As such, you will find different home mortgage lenders extending different mortgage options/schemes to prospective home buyers.

The most common variation between these schemes is the rate of interest and all calculations that pertain to each. It’s due to this that majority of the home mortgage schemes are named after the type of interest rate applied. There are two broad types of home mortgage interest rates – Fixed Rate Mortgage (FRM) and Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM).

As the name may insinuate, the interest rate for a Fixed Rate Mortgage is fixed for the whole tenure period of the loan and the Adjustable Rate Mortgage will have a changing interest rate throughout the tenure of the mortgage. The ARM adjusts based on certain existing changes in the market such as treasury security as well as based on the terms and conditions that you and the mortgage lender agreed upon while signing the agreement.

Whatever choice of mortgage you take, keep in mind that the bottom line means you have to pay back the whole mortgage loan together with the interest for the stipulated period of time. Failure to meet your end of the deal may force the mortgage lender to foreclose your home, or worse still auction it in order to recover the remaining part of the debt.

But when all is said and done, a home mortgage is a great way to get a dream home early in life, otherwise, without it, you might have to wait for a decade or so to save enough cash to buy your dream home. Simply put, a home mortgage is arguably the best concepts in the finance world today. 

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